Sports Activities

Sport and physical activity is a valued and accepted part of our school’s curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning and is an important expression of our culture. The participation, enjoyment and skill development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program. All our students take part in this program. In keeping with our understanding that children thrive in a non-competitive environment, we minimise competitive sports. We place more emphasis on exercise, games and skills training. As children grow in confidence and emotional maturity, competitive games can be undertaken with less risk of discouraging those who are still developing their skills. This promotes greater participation, more enjoyment and ultimately more likelihood of being physically active for life. In summary, the purpose of physical training at Our School is to: 1. Enjoy physical activity, including exercise, informal games and organised sport 2. Establish habits of physical activity for a life-long pattern of good health 3. Develop gross- and fine motor abilities, muscle strength, fitness, co-ordination and poise 4. Experience success as doing your personal best, not beating someone else 5. Understand and appreciate integrity in sport 6. Practice good sportsmanship, both individually and in teamwork